Coaches - It's your call, if you hear thunder, get your kids and yourself off of the field, wait 30 minute with no thunder before going back out on the fields.
Here are some helpful sites from Capital Area Youth Soccer Association
Here are the LTYA Extreme Hot/Cold Weather Guidelines
Kirk Knussman (LTYA field maintenance) makes the call on LTYA field use at 3 PM on weekdays. He will call the office and the office will communicate to the sports and DJCT.
After 3 PM weekdays or on the weekend it’s the sports call. The sport should have a Board Member on Duty &/or a directive to the coaches or refs/umpires to make the call for games in process or games about to start and a pre-established communication chain (ie; when games are called who gets notified and what happens updated…if games are still on based on on-site verification who gets notified to send a message etc). LTYA Soccer will need to notify the designated DJCT contact.
If you see lightning or hear thunder then everyone must vacate the field and wait a minimum of 30 minutes after the last visible lightning and sound of thunder before play can resume (in general the game/practice in progress should be called and status of later games determined at an appropriate time)
If you hear thunder or see lightning suspend your activity immediately and instruct everyone to get to a safe place. Substantial buildings provide the best protection. Once inside, stay off corded telephones and away from any wiring or plumbing. Avoid sheds, small or open shelters, dugouts, bleachers or grandstands. If a sturdy building is not nearby, a hard-topped metal vehicle with the windows closed should offer good protection.
For any LTISD fields, LTISD has asked that if it’s wet at all that we stay off their fields. The sport will need to make the call on any LTISD field and error on the side of caution….If it’s wet stay off. Same communication process applies. If you are practicing at Hudson Bend Middle School and the lightning detector goes off you must suspend your activity immediately, or not start if it’s going off when you arrive, and wait until the all clear signal from the detector is heard.
In all cases, the sport is responsible for communicating with their players and updating their web page accordingly. Communication should be sport specific so please refer to your sport in communicating whether games/practices are on or off. NEVER JUST EMAIL THAT FOD IS CLOSED AS THIS CAUSES CONFUSION. The rain out phone number will no longer be used. If there could be a question on game status the sport should proactively publish the field status; ie: if the fields are open but people may have a question as to whether games are on or not the sport should publish a message that games are on etc.
Generally the office will be there to help until 3 PM each day and able to help in any way possible.
LTYA On Field Emergency Plan
The following outlines the On Field Emergency plan.
1. At the beginning of each season each sport should review emergency procedures with their coaches in the form of a discussion at an in person meeting and/or via email.
2. In the event of a serious injury call 911. If in doubt, call 911.
3. All coaches should be familiar with the address of the fields they are on and be able to convey the address and field location to emergency personnel. The address for the Field of Dreams complex is:
13909 W Hwy 71
Bee Cave, TX 78738
Additional field addresses can be found under the "Facilities" tab on the website.
4. The address for the local hospital – BaylorScott&White Medical Center Lakeway is 100 Medical Parkway, Lakeway Texas 78738. The phone number is 512-571-5000.
5. It’s preferred that each sport should have a designated Board Member on Duty for all nights there is field activity to assist in the event of an emergency. This can be a board member who happens to be coaching that night.